Friday, November 29, 2013

The Right Words

The “Right Words” NEVER spoken... can hurt the most! A withheld blessing... becomes a curse. An unspoken apology... builds walls of division. An uncommunicated expression of affection... can end a relationship. Today, intentionally express... "I love you... I'm proud of you... I'm sorry... Forgive me... I believe in you... I thank God for you!" The "Right words" sown today will bear fruit tomorrow. 

Discouragement evolves into encouragement. Friendships are bound together with cords of love. Walls of separation dissolve into bridges of communication. The right word of encouragement spoken in the darkest hour can change lives. "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my God and my redeemer." The "Right Words"... spoken straight from your heart... will penetrate other hearts!  

Friday, November 22, 2013

You take the first step!

Instead of sitting back… feeling ignored & rejected… feeling sorry for yourself… & waiting for a blessing to come your way... assume the ‘Jesus Attitude’. Take on the role/actions of a servant… begin serving those individuals God has place in your arena of influence. You wanted them to come to you. Realistically you need to go to them… FIRST! Amazingly, every relationship will begin improving when you begin treating, those God has given you, the way you want to be treated. That Do-unto-others-as-you-would-have-them-do-unto-you-attitude… has its roots in the God’s Love.

Put self behind you… do what you know is right. Take the initiative. YOU take the First step! It may not be comfortable… it may not be easy… but you know it is the right thing to do… and God will bless your obedience!!!  

Friday, November 15, 2013

Deliverance from the Fire

When the three Hebrew children were in the fiery furnace...God could have lowered the heat each step they took towards the fire... but instead... the fire grew hotter & hotter. When the Lord finally did deliver them... they were in the midst of the hottest flames. God may not deliver you before the fire... you may not avoid the heat... but He may choose to deliver you while you're in hottest flames... and will probably do it in the most surprising way. You'll discover later that you were never at risk... not actually hurt... and that the smell of smoke is no where on you. God deserves to be praised for the way He is about to deliver you!!!

It may be a good thing that God doesn't show us the fiery trials... from which He will deliver us... that are just around the corner. If we knew it before hand... we might get ahead of Him... avoid the trial... miss the lesson that God has for us to learn... be weakened instead of strengthened... and not finish our present assignment. Just be faithful... stand firm... trust God... even if the heat seems unbearable. He will give you everything you need... the moment you need it... to endure. He is opening a door of escape... 

Friday, November 8, 2013


So many people live their lives overwhelmed with worry and stress. Worry is a by-product of a lack of faith in God's ability to handle your life challenges. Worries & stress create disharmony... uncertainty... doubt... and disrupts God's peace and provision. The word says, "Cast your cares on me for I care for you." When you release your concerns... worries... stress... and give them to God... He will fill you with His peace... God will fight your battles for you.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Forgiving Others

I was telling a friend yesterday that sometimes you just have to "Build a bridge... and get over it". Do what you can to make things right... but you have to learn to forgive others... AND... forgive yourself! Everyone makes mistakes in life. But that doesn't mean they have to pay for them the rest of their life. Sometimes GOOD people make bad choices. It doesn't mean they are BAD… It means they are HUMAN.