The “Right Words” NEVER spoken...
can hurt the most! A withheld blessing... becomes a curse. An
unspoken apology... builds walls of division. An uncommunicated
expression of affection... can end a relationship. Today,
intentionally express... "I love you... I'm proud of you... I'm
sorry... Forgive me... I believe in you... I thank God for you!"
The "Right words" sown today will bear fruit tomorrow.
Discouragement evolves into encouragement. Friendships are bound
together with cords of love. Walls of separation dissolve into
bridges of communication. The right word of encouragement spoken in
the darkest hour can change lives. "May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight O Lord my
God and my redeemer." The "Right Words"... spoken
straight from your heart... will penetrate other hearts!