Friday, July 26, 2013

Ministry is...

"Ministry is giving when you feel like keeping, praying for others when you need to be prayed for, feeding others when your own soul is hungry, living truth before people even when you can’t see results, hurting with other people even when your own hurt can’t be spoken, keeping your word even when it is not convenient, it is being faithful when your flesh wants to run away."
-- John A. Holt

Friday, July 19, 2013

Here is a suggestion for this Sunday...

Show-up at church... Be early... SMILE... GREET everyone you encounter... SING praises as if God was the only audience... PRAY like the sermon depended on you... LISTEN intently to what the Lord says. EXPECT to be ACCEPTED in the fellowship... LIFTED by the music... CHALLENGED by the message... CHANGED by God. Then... you'll be ready to GO... & TELL the world how BLESSED you are... and HOW GREAT YOUR GOD IS!

Friday, July 12, 2013

When do we start?

After two years of applications... months of talking... praying... being commissioned... and prayed for... the little missionary family was finally arriving in Liberia. The airport at Monrovia, they said, is something like 60 miles out from the city... and they arrived in the middle of the night. They awakened their 6-year-old daughter and dad lifted her into his arms. As they stepped off the plane and stared into the darkest night they had ever seen, the little girl said, "Daddy, are we going to tell the people about Jesus tonight? Or... are we going to wait until in the morning?"

Friday, July 5, 2013


Remember... when your wealth is gone... you have lost little. When your health is gone... you have lost more. But when your character is gone... you have lost nearly everything. God assures you that if you will keep your trust in Him... He will always make a way for you even though it looks like there is no way. He will give you strength for every battle... guidance for every choice... wisdom for every decision... and strength to carry-on faithfully. Make up your mind today that nothing that life throws your way is going to alter your commitment to God. For that commitment to God... is what gives real meaning to your life!!!